
Swap shop find

I haven’t updated this. I’m sorry. I’veĀ been lifeguarding and trying to make enough money to pay rent, which has proven to be harder than I had previously thought. The fact that I’ve been working so hard to make money makes this story even better. So the other day I was dumping trash at the local dump. I went over to the “Swap Shop” that they have there. It’s basically yard sale grade stuff, but it’s free. Among the many different things that I found (including a fake fur coat, it was pimp), were two big boxes of old records. I’ve been digging through them looking for cool stuff, and I’ve already found a bunch of awesome records prime for track making.

I want to throw a big dance party. I have all the stuff I just need dancers. People need to dance. I mean it’s summer time. Also I want to see The Dark Knight really badly.

One Response to “Awesome”

  1. Ulyana says:

    Well put, sir, well put. I’ll ceirltnay make note of that.
